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Skin care tips & latest scientific updates regarding skin diseases, products & procedures.

Understanding dandruff: basic concepts

What is dandruff? What Causes Dandruff? How Can I Treat Dandruff? This article will help you understand all this, and help you in tackling those dry, white flakes of skin you brush off your collar or shoulders.

Do’s & Don’ts to delay skin ageing

Can we delay skin ageing? What changes can we make in our day to day life to help looking young forever? What are the habits we need to change to avoid ageing?

Sunscreen – myths & facts explained by top cosmetic dermatologist

While purchasing a sunscreen from a cosmetic counter, a lot of queries come in one’s mind. We interview renowned cosmetic dermatologist, Dr Surbhi Mahajan, to seek out the answers.

Hair care tips for rainy season

How to take care of your hair during the rainy season? What are the common hair problems during the monsoon months? Read on to know our hair care tips to sail happily through this rainy season.

Are skin tags dangerous?

Skin tags are invariably harmless tumors of the skin that cause no symptoms and do not become cancerous if left untreated. Most patients want them removed because of their cosmetic unacceptably.

Gray hair – is there any cure?

Gray hair – is there any cure?

Hair turns white or gray when the pigment-producing cells or melanocytes stop producing pigment. If gray hair occur in early age, it is called premature graying of hair or canities.

Chickenpox – myths & facts

Chickenpox – myths & facts

What is chickenpox? Is there any treatment for chickenpox? Is there a vaccine that can give lifetime protection from this disease? Read on to clear all these doubts.

How to use UV Index for sun protection?

How to use UV Index for sun protection?

The UV Index provides the expected risk of over-exposure to the sun. It is a useful tool to help general public to take steps to reduce ultraviolet radiation exposure.

How to reduce a keloid scar?

How to reduce a keloid scar?

What is a keloid scar? How does a keloid scar develop? Read on to know the most common treatment options for minimising a hypertrophic or keloid scar.

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