How to get rid of too much sweat?
What are the lifestyle modifications for reducing sweating? Do antiperspirants and deodorants help? What is Iontophoresis?
What are the lifestyle modifications for reducing sweating? Do antiperspirants and deodorants help? What is Iontophoresis?
When should sweating be called excessive? What are the causes of too much sweat? When should one consult a doctor for excessive sweating?
What is sweat rash or prickly rash? How does prickly heat rash develop? How to prevent & treat prickly rash?
What is xanthelasma? What causes xanthelasma? How is it treated? Read our article to know all about these harmless patches that develop around the eyes.
What causes cracked heels? How to prevent & take care of cracked feet? Read on to know about this common skin problem.
Which skin products should be used in winters? Is sunscreen needed in winters? Which skin products to avoid? Read on to know our tips for winter skin care.