Alopecia areata is a localized loss of hair in round or oval areas without any visible inflammation of the skin in hair-bearing areas; the most common presenting site is the scalp.
Did you know?
If occurring after puberty, 80% of patients re-grow hair. After the first episode of hair loss, about 33% completely regrow the hair within a year.
Alopecia aerate is caused by a misguided immune system that attacks its own hair follicles and disrupts normal hair formation. Sometimes, alopecia areata occurs within family members, suggesting a genetic role also.
Nitin Ranjan
Consultant Dermatologist at Dermacosm
Dr Nitin Ranjan is a consultant dermatologist at Dermacosm clinic. He possesses more than 7 years of experience in diagnosing & treating all skin, hair, and nail diseases.